Hello, It's Me

Ivan Karev

And I'm a student

This is my personal portfolio website where you can learn more about me!

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About Me


Allow me to introduce myself – I'm Ivan Karev, a spirited and driven 20-year-old from Bulgaria. Currently, I'm pursuing my studies in ICT at HZ University of Applied Sciences in the captivating city of Middelburg, The Netherlands.... Technology has always captivated my imagination, and it's a genuine pleasure to delve into the world of Information and Communication Technology. I'm constantly keeping up with the latest advancements and honing my practical skills. I'm determined to excel in this field and contribute to its ongoing growth. With enthusiasm and dedication, I'm excited to make my mark and embrace the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.

NBSA boundary is 45 EC's

Quartile Course EC Exam Grade
1st Program- & Career Orientation (PCO) 2.5 Assessment website 9.3
Computer Science Basics (CSB) 5 Written knowledge test 7.7
Programming Basics (PBA) 5 Case study exam 6.2
IT Personality Project Week 1 (PPW1) 1.25 Portfolio OK
IT Personality 1 (ITP1) 1.25 Portfolio NP
2nd Object-Oriented programming (OOP) 10 Presentation 8.5
Case study exam 7.0
3rd Framework Development 1 (FDE1) 5 Case study exam 6.0
Framework Project 1 (FPR1) 7.5 Criterium based interview 6.0
Assignment 6.5
Case study exam 7.7
4th Framework Project 2 (FPR2) 10 Final delivery NP
Report of acceptance tests and optional assessments NP
IT Development portfolio NP
IT Personality International week (PIW) 1.25 Portfolio NP
IT Personality 2 (ITP2) 1.25 Portfolio NP
Personal Professional Development: Exploration (PPD-E) 12.5 English Test NP
Criterium based interview 6.0

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can you print a document from your laptop at HZ?

It is very simple. There are printers on every floor of the HZ building. To print something you have to upload the file you want to print to HZ print and then you need to make sure you have some money in your student card.

2. How can you scan a document and send it to your laptop at HZ?

Just like printing a document you can scan one on every floor of the building.

3. How can I buy something (like when I sign up for the IT introduction event at Friday 16/09) on the HZ web shop?

Everything organised by HZ such as trips, events and so on can be found at their webshop.

4. Where can I find the latest instructions on what to do when you are sick / show symptoms of COVID?

If you are threatening other people's health, you must stay at home. You will be provided with online lecture in order to be up to date with others progress.

5. How can you book a project space in one of the wings?

You go to Self Service Portal, then Make a reservation and if there are any rooms available you can reserve one for you or your group.

6. What are the instructions if you want to park your car at the HZ parking lot?

The only thing you have to do is to inform the office either online or in the HZ building that you want to park your car at the parking and then they will tell you whether it is possible to do that.

The 5 most recent Blogs

Briefly about me

Find out more about me. For example why I chose this program and many more...